Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Doris Salcedo: Ethics and Censorship

I have chosen to respond on an online article relating to Doris Salcedo where I will discuss ethics and censorship to do with the artist. My reason to choose the subject of art is because it is a type of citizen journalism.

Artists may explore different aspects of society through commenting on social issues, gender based problems, racism, inequalities between social classes, and critiques on the consumer society. Art can be the most powerful form of activism because it lasts long after the protestors and keeps us thinking about the issue in subtle ways. Artists express their social and political views to help reform society, they serve humanity best when they focus on a truthful expression of the world.


Doris Salcedo has an intense concern with human anguish and has an emotional and political strategy. She was born in Colombia where the Government is corrupt and has a background of both systematic and random acts of violence and terror occur everyday. Salcedo believes that “the major possibilities of art are not in showing the spectacle of violence but instead hiding it…it is the latency of violence that interests me.” Her work is to be looked at universally identifying human rights and the aftermath of problems associated with the “disappearances” of young women. All her work is based on real happenings from a private experience she had shared with the public to express her grief. Salcedo creates sculptures that evoke the human toll of the ongoing drug and civil wars in her country.


  1. hey eileen
    i strongly agree with you.
    that art is a type of citizen journalism because the artist can convey their emotions through their artworks... what art work did Doris Salcedo
    do?? can u add up some photos to show us =)

    good work ! woo

  2. hi eyan, a few sculptures Doris Salcedo has created that evoke her feelings of the subject of kidnapping a rape are Atribiliarious and Unland

  3. oh interesting. Well after reading your blog i really want to see her art works and keep me thinking about what she reallly went through in her private life and experiences that she shared with the public. I also want to see her sculptures that she created that evoke the human toll...

    eyan =)

  4. Hey guys!

    I love the use of Doris Salcedo as an example - she's perfect. Indeed, art work is definately a great means of trying to convey a point across to a particular audience. It is infact a type of citizen journalism as it allows that artist to portray his/her thoughts and views via art work and not be condemned or censored by a government.

    Due to the fact that art does not display it's meaning in words - there is no way that the artist can be condemned for thinking or painting as they do. Art allows its audience to retrieve its own message from the artwork and make what they want of it.

    Personally, I feel that art is subjective just as blogs are - but it is subjective in that fact that it's audience can take whatever message they want from it. An artwork will indeed leave a subtle with the audience whenever they look at it.

    Looks like we will not need journalists any longer considering the fact that art can tell a story just the same!
